Want your closet item to stand out? We offer just that!
You can pay for your product being featured at the rate of:
$.20 a day OR $5 for 30 days*!
- Featured Badge
- Appear on the homepage of Resale Racks
- Shown first in search lists
If your interested in having your closet item shown first to visitors of ResaleRacks.com, please login to your store dashboard and go to "Items in Closet, go the closet item you wish to feature and click on the "+Promote" button, this will pop up an option for you to select. $.20/day or $5/month, select one and continue. Next you will have the option to select either how many days or how many months, once you have selected one and input the amount of days/months, click the "Continue to Checkout" button and complete your purchase.
* Cost is per closet item